Dry Martini by Tom Smith
Feeling restless as a willow in a windstorm? Helpless as a baby on a swing?
Maybe it's the season..
It Might As Well Be Swing was the punning title of a 1964 Sinatra album which included the song that included the lines that may have inspired this blog, to whit:"you have the cool, clear eyes of a seeker of wisdom and truth. And then the wham, bam tang reminiscent of gin and vermouth."
Gin and vermouth usually spells Martini, but could also refer to this forgotten classic:
3/4 measure gin (red)
1/2 measure of sweet vermouth
1/2 measure of dry (white) vermouth
1/2 measure cognac
2 dashes of Angostura bitters
Twist of orange peel
You could, if you so choose, strain this into a Martini glass after stirring the ingredients in an ice-filled cocktail shaker, adding the twist as a garnish. Nice.
With Easter on the horizon why not try the:
1/3 measure gin
1/3 measure scotch whisky
1/3 measure absinthe
A heady brew inspired not by Easter bunnies but by a post World War 1 dance craze.